Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rauvolfia letouzeyi Leeuwenb. Wilde (WALK-B) 349 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Scaphopetalum blackii Mast. Wilde (WALK-B) 350 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Manotes griffoniana Baill. Wilde (WALK-B) 351 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Tetrorchidium didymostemon (Baill.) Pax & K.Hoffm. Wilde (WALK-B) 352 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Ipomoea involucrata P.Beauv. Wilde (WALK-B) 353 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Justicia tenella (Nees) T.Anderson Wilde (WALK-B) 354 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Phyllanthus urinaria L. Wilde (WALK-B) 355 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Desmodium ramosissimum G.Don Wilde (WALK-B) 358 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl Wilde (WALK-B) 359 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius Wilde (WALK-B) 360 Massive of Chaillu, Missionary Station at Mouyanama, ± 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Emilia lisowskiana C.Jeffrey Wilde (WALK-B) 361 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Phacelurus gabonensis (Steud.) Clayton Wilde (WALK-B) 362 Massive of Chaillu, Missionary Station at Mouyanama, ± 15 km on the rod Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 363 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Calvoa seretii De Wild. Wilde (WALK-B) 364 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Maesobotrya klaineana (Pierre) J.Léonard Wilde (WALK-B) 365 Ca. 10 km along the road Mimongo - Mbigou.
Oncoba glauca (P.Beauv.) Planch. Wilde (WALK-B) 366 Ca. 10 km along the road Mimongo - Mbigou.
Begonia elatostemmoides Hook.f. Wilde (WALK-B) 367 Missionary Station at Mouyanama. Ca 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Amphiblemma hallei Jacq.-Fél. Wilde (WALK-B) 368 Missionary Station at Mouyanama. Ca 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Antidesma laciniatum Müll.Arg. Wilde (WALK-B) 369 c. 10 km along the road Mimongo - Mbigou.
Leea guineensis G.Don Wilde (WALK-B) 370 c. 10 km along the road Mimongo - Mbigou.

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