Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler 6816 6 km road Moanda to Bakoumba.
Sherbournia batesii (Wernham) Hepper Breteler 6823 6 km road Moanda to Bakoumba.
Pseudospondias microcarpa (A.Rich.) Engl. Breteler 6825 4 km road Moanda to Bakoumba.
Uvaria klaineana Engl. & Diels Breteler 6829 15 km road Moanda to Bakoumba.
Rauvolfia mannii Stapf Breteler 6836 17 km road Moanda to Bakoumba.
Thomandersia Baill. Breteler 6851 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km S.S.W. of Moanda.
Cylindropsis parvifolia Pierre Breteler 6853 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Voacanga psilocalyx Pierre ex Stapf Breteler 6860 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Anthonotha macrophylla P.Beauv. Breteler 6879 Lekoko forest exploitation, 70 km SSW of Moanda, near the border Congo-Gabon.
Digitaria leptorhachis (Pilg.) Stapf Breteler 6894 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km S.S.W. of Moanda.
Baissea axillaris (Benth.) Hua Breteler 6895 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km S.S.W. of Moanda.
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler 6897 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km S.S.W. of Moanda.
Periploca nigrescens Afzel. Breteler 6909 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Rauvolfia mannii Stapf Breteler 6924 Lekoko forest exploitation, 70 km SSW of Moanda, near base camp.
Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 6942 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Alafia erythrophthalma (K.Schum.) Leeuwenb. Breteler 6948 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Landolphia breviloba J.G.M.Pers. Breteler 6953 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Breteler 6963 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km SSW of Moanda.
Cynanchum adalinae (K.Schum.) K.Schum. subsp. adalinae Breteler 6983 road Lekoko - Pana, c. 15 km SSE of Pana.
Landolphia angustisepala Pichon Breteler 6997 km 28 road Moanda - Bakoumba.

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