Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Heisteria parvifolia Sm. Breteler 14838 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Coula edulis Baill. Breteler 14839 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Baphia cuspidata Taub. Breteler 14840 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Sabicea Aubl. Breteler 14841 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Calycobolus acuminatus (Pilg.) Heine Breteler 14842 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Clerodendrum splendens G.Don Breteler 14843 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Breteler 14844 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Cissus leonardii Dewit Breteler 14845 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Salacia nitida (Benth.) N.E.Br. Breteler 14846 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. 12 km Makande to Gongue.
Bertiera globiceps K.Schum. Breteler 14847 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Psychotria ledermannii (K.Krause) Figueiredo var. ogoouensis O.Lachenaud Breteler 14848 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Grewia L. Breteler 14849 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Pseudosabicea aurifodinae N.Hallé Breteler 14850 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Quassia africana (Baill.) Baill. Breteler 14851 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. Breteler 14852 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Pseudosabicea mitisphaera N.Hallé Breteler 14853 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Aframomum giganteum (Oliv. & D.Hanb.) K.Schum. Breteler 14854 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Hua gabonii Pierre Breteler 14855 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Croton sylvaticus Hochst. Breteler 14856 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. Km 30 Makande - La Lopé.
Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engl. Breteler 14857 Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. Km 30 Makande - La Lopé.

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