Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cordia L. Bernard SRFG1443 Sanga-forêt.
Psorospermum febrifugum Spach Bernard SRFG1448 Tchibanga.
Plagiosiphon gabonensis (A.Chev.) J.Léonard Bernard SRFG1450 near Mayoumba, Dousse, chantier SHM
Isomacrolobium hallei Aubrév. Bernard SRFG1513 N'koulounga.
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Bernard SRFG1628 Ikoy.
Guibourtia ehie (A.Chev.) J.Léonard Bernard SRFG1631 Ikoy.
Buchholzia coriacea Engl. Bernard SRFG1632 ikoy;
Dracaena marina Bos ined. Bernard SRFG1641 Ikoy creek, Libreville E of port Owendo.
Dacryodes klaineana (Pierre) H.J.Lam Bernard SRFG1653 Pointe Dénis.
Dactyladenia pallescens (Baill.) Prance & F.White Bernard SRFG1878 ikoy.
Dracaena marina Bos ined. Bernard SRFG1879 Ikoy creek, Libreville E of port Owendo.
Baphia maxima Baker Bidault 353 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Bulbophyllum barbigerum Lindl. Bidault 354 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Leea guineensis G.Don Bidault 356 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Heinsia crinita (Afzel.) G.Taylor Bidault 357bis Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Uvaria klaineana Engl. & Diels Bidault 358 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Millettia mannii Baker Bidault 359 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Pavetta viridiloba K.Krause var. viridiloba Bidault 360 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Chassalia macrodiscus K.Schum. Bidault 361 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.
Tricalysia pedunculosa (N.Hallé) Robbr. var. pilosula (N.Hallé) Robbr. Bidault 362 Mabounié, forest east of camp and ore body.

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