Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Soyauxia glabrescens Engl. Haegens 262 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 72.
Rourea calophylla (Gilg ex Schellenb.) Jongkind Haegens 263 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 72.
Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Haegens 264 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 9.
Sericanthe gabonensis Sonké & Robbr. Haegens 265 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 9.
Ixora nematopoda K.Schum. Haegens 267 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 44.
Cnestis corniculata Lam. Haegens 269 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 44.
Baikiaea insignis Benth. Haegens 270 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 44.
Eurypetalum tessmannii Harms Haegens 271 Rabi-Kounga, 2.5km on road to Divangui.
Cissus leonardii Dewit Haegens 272 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 42.
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Hallé 86 Bélinga, mines de fer, route de Mvadi.
Leplaea mayombensis (Pellegr.) Staner Hallé 91 Bélinga, mines de fer, route de Mvadi.
Rhabdophyllum arnoldianum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh. Hallé 149 Bélinga, mines de fer, route du pt. B3.
Dioscorea preussii Pax Hallé 450 Bélinga, mines de fer, route du Belvédère.
Psorospermum tenuifolium Hook.f. Hallé 960 7 km N de Libreville.
Aphanocalyx heitzii (Pellegr.) Wieringa Hallé 1028 Nkoulounga.
Lophira alata Banks ex C.F.Gaertn. Hallé 1172 3 km N of Makokou.
Rhabdophyllum letestui Farron Hallé 1647 Ayem, 10 km SW de Ndjolé.
Monodora angolensis Welw. Hallé 2628 11 km E of Batouala.
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Hallé 3433 Bélinga.
Rhabdophyllum arnoldianum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh. Hallé 3478 Bélinga.

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