Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Xylopia acutiflora (Dunal) A.Rich. Arends 389 Waka forest exploitation road
Tabernaemontana letestui (Pellegr.) Pichon Arends 392 Waka forest exploitation road
Trichoscypha bijuga Engl. Arends 393 Waka forest exploitation road
Psychotria ledermannii (K.Krause) Figueiredo var. laxipilis O.Lachenaud Arends 394 Waka forest exploitation road
Anthonotha macrophylla P.Beauv. Arends 398 Waka forest exploitation road
Hymenocoleus hirsutus (Benth.) Robbr. Arends 399 Waka forest exploitation road
Strombosiopsis sereinii Breteler Arends 400 Waka, forest exploitation road, near what is called the Falaise.
Pauridiantha calycophylla Ntore & O.Lachenaud Arends 426 Waka forest exploitation road
Bertiera iturensis K.Krause Arends 427 Waka forest exploitation road, near what is called the Falaisse.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Arends 439 Waka forest exploitation road
Cynanchum adalinae (K.Schum.) K.Schum. subsp. adalinae Arends 440 Waka forest exploitation road
Guaduella marantifolia Franch. Arends 447 Waka River, waterfall.
Uvariodendron connivens (Benth.) R.E.Fr. Arends 450 Waka River
Isolona zenkeri Engl. Arends 451 slope at the waterfall in the Waka River.
Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand Arends 454 Waka River
Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand Arends 455 Waka River
Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf Arends 464 Moukabo, ca 25 km E. of Mouila on the road to Yeno.
Monanthotaxis foliosa (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. Arends 479 Moukabo, c. 37 km E of Mouila, on the road to Yeno.
Gilbertiodendron grandistipulatum (De Wild.) J.Léonard Arends 480 37 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels Arends 487 Moukabo, c. 37 km E of Mouila, on the road to Yeno.

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