Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tabernaemontana eglandulosa Stapf Arends 488 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Guaduella marantifolia Franch. Arends 491 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Tabernaemontana crassa Benth. Arends 492 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Tabernaemontana letestui (Pellegr.) Pichon Arends 493 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Dischistocalyx hirsutus C.B.Clarke Arends 496 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Begonia fusialata Warb. var. fusialata Arends 499 40 km E of Mouila, on the road to Yeno.
Begonia letestui J.J.de Wilde Arends 500 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Baissea campanulata (K.Schum.) de Kruif Arends 501 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Tabernanthe iboga Baill. Arends 504 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Rauvolfia mannii Stapf Arends 505 40 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Dictyophleba ochracea (K.Schum. ex Hallier f.) Pichon Arends 527 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Begonia elatostemmoides Hook.f. Arends 530 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Arends 536 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Gymnosiphon longistylus (Benth.) Hutch. Arends 538 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand Arends 543 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Podococcus acaulis Hua Arends 544 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Begonia lacunosa Warb. Arends 547 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Begonia elaeagnifolia Hook.f. Arends 559 c. 43 km E of Mouila, along the road, under construction, towards Yeno.
Begonia scutifolia Hook.f. Arends 560 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.
Begonia sessilifolia Hook.f. subsp. ogoouensis Wieringa Arends 564 43 km E. of Mouila, along the road to Yeno.

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