Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dactyladenia campestris (Engl.) Prance & F.White Breteler 120 Monts de Cristal, 12-15 km N.E. of Asok.
Endodesmia calophylloides Benth. Breteler 123 Monts de Cristal, 12-15 km N.E. of Asok.
Tabernaemontana crassa Benth. Breteler 134 Monts de Cristal, c. 10 km W of Asok, along a confluent of the Soung River.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler 138 Monts de Cristal, c. 10 km W of Asok, along a confluent of the Soung River.
Dischistocalyx strobilinus C.B.Clarke Breteler 149 Monts de Cristal, c. 10 km W of Asok, along a confluent of the Soung River.
Vismia rubescens Oliv. var. rubescens Breteler 158 Monts de Cristal, c. 9 km W of Asok, along a confluent of the Soung River.
Landolphia owariensis P.Beauv. Breteler 210 Monts de Cristal, c. 5 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Breteler 219 Monts de Cristal, c. 5 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Leonardoxa africana (Baill.) Aubrév. Breteler 226 Monts de Cristal, 15 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Landolphia breviloba J.G.M.Pers. Breteler 230 Monts de Cristal, 15 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Pycnobotrya nitida Benth. Breteler 231 Monts de Cristal, 15 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler 232 Monts de Cristal, 15 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich. Breteler 246 Monts de Cristal, road close to the Mbé River.
Voacanga africana Stapf Breteler 249 Monts de Cristal, along the Mbé River.
Pycnobotrya nitida Benth. Breteler 251 Monts de Cristal, exploitation road close to the Mbé River.
Berlinia bracteosa Benth. Breteler 258 Monts de Cristal, exploitation road close to the Mbé River.
Impatiens mannii Hook.f. Breteler 259 Monts de Cristal, 7-8 km S.W. of Asok, hill W. of the village Nkan.
Triaspis spec.nov. A Jongkind Breteler 285 Monts de Cristal, 3 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Tabernaemontana psorocarpa (Pierre ex Stapf) Pichon Breteler 288 Monts de Cristal, 3 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Brachystephanus jaundensis Lindau subsp. jaundensis Breteler 296 Monts de Cristal, 3 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.

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