Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Neoguarea glomerulata (Harms) E.J.M.Koenen & J.J.de Wilde Breteler 420 c. 10 km NE of Lalara.
Sorindeia gabonensis Bourobou & Breteler Breteler 421 c. 10 km NE of Lalara.
Tabernaemontana eglandulosa Stapf Breteler 438 Ca. 10 km N.E. of Lalara.
Haplocoelum gabonicum Breteler Breteler 448 10 km Lalara - Makokou, than exploitation road along Okano River, upstream for c. 42 km.
Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 451 10 km Lalara - Makokou, than exploitation road along Okano River, upstream for c. 42 km.
Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Breteler 459 10 km Lalara - Makokou, than exploitation road along Okano River, upstream for c. 42 km.
Pycnobotrya nitida Benth. Breteler 472 7 km Lalara - Makokou, than c. 41 km along a exploitation road in northern direction.
Landolphia dewevrei Stapf Breteler 474 7 km Lalara - Makokou, than c. 41 km along a exploitation road in northern direction.
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler 481 7 km Lalara - Makokou, than c. 51 km along a exploitation road in northern direction.
Landolphia dewevrei Stapf Breteler 484 7 km Lalara - Makokou, than c. 56 km along a exploitation road in northern direction.
Connarus gabonensis Lemmens Breteler 494 10 km Lalara - Makokou, than 15 km along an exploitation road following the Okano River upstream.
Sorindeia winkleri Engl. Breteler 518 40 km Lalara - Makokou, than 25 km along an exploitation road heading in southern direction.
Landolphia noctiflora J.G.M.Pers. Breteler 520 c. 40 km along the road from Lalara to Makokou and than 25 km along a forest exploitation track heading in a southern direction.
Landolphia robustior (K.Schum.) J.G.M.Pers. Breteler 524 40 km Lalara - Makokou, than 25 km along an exploitation road heading in southern direction.
Crudia gabonensis Pierre ex De Wild. Breteler 530 40 km Lalara - Makokou, than 32 km along an exploitation road heading in southern direction.
Napoleonaea cuneata Jongkind Breteler 531 40 km Lalara - Makokou, than 32 km along an exploitation road heading in southern direction.
Ritchiea capparoides (Andrews) Britten Breteler 533 Bélinga, Iron mine exploration, summit called The Belvédère.
Ceropegia sankuruensis Schltr. Breteler 542 Bélinga, Iron mine exploration, summit called The Belvédère.
Monanthotaxis le-testui Pellegr. Breteler 549 Bélinga, Iron mine exploration, summit called The Belvédère.
Psorospermum tenuifolium Hook.f. Breteler 553 Bélinga, Iron mine exploration, summit called The Belvédère.

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