Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Leonardoxa africana (Baill.) Aubrév. Breteler 704 24 km along the SOMIFER-road towards Makokou.
Tabernanthe iboga Baill. Breteler 722 Bélinga, c. 2 km along the lower track of Babiel Nord.
Mendoncia lindaviana (Gilg) Benoist Breteler 723 Bélinga, c. 2 km along the lower track of Babiel Nord.
Tarenna fusco-flava (K.Schum.) S.Moore Breteler 746 16 km along the road Lastoursville - Moanda.
Voacanga bracteata Stapf Breteler 753 16 km along the road Lastoursville - Moanda.
Dacryodes edulis (G.Don) H.J.Lam Breteler 757 16 km along the road Lastoursville - Moanda.
Motandra lujaei De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 759 16 km along the road Lastoursville - Moanda.
Periploca nigrescens Afzel. Breteler 765 33 km along the road Lastoursville - Moanda.
Dischistocalyx hirsutus C.B.Clarke Breteler 771 36 km along the road Lastoursville - Mouanda.
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum (Büttner) Lindau Breteler 772 36 km along the road Lastoursville - Mouanda.
Impatiens niamniamensis Gilg Breteler 775 36 km along the road Lastoursville - Mouanda.
Voacanga bracteata Stapf Breteler 777 36 km along the road Lastoursville - Mouanda.
Landolphia owariensis P.Beauv. Breteler 778 36 km along the road Lastoursville - Mouanda.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Breteler 786 c. 10 km along the road Lastoursville - Mékouyi.
Crudia gabonensis Pierre ex De Wild. Breteler 796 c. 10 km along the road Lastoursville - Mékouyi.
Tabernanthe iboga Baill. Breteler 797 c. 10 km along the road Lastoursville - Mékouyi.
Cyperus tenuiculmis Boeckeler var. guineensis (Nelmes) S.S.Hooper Breteler 5472 Nimba mountain.
Cleome spinosa Jacq. Breteler 5514 Port Gentil.
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Breteler 5528 Port Gentil.
Chrysobalanus icaco L. subsp. icaco Breteler 5531 15 km SE of Port Gentil.

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