Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rourea erythrocalyx (Gilg ex Schellenb.) Jongkind Breteler 9879 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Pentabrachion reticulatum Müll.Arg. Breteler 9880 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Motandra poecilophylla Wernham Breteler 9881 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum zenkeri Engl. Breteler 9882 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum parvifolium Engl. Breteler 9884 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Thecacoris leptobotrya (Müll.Arg.) Brenan Breteler 9885 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Heinsia crinita (Afzel.) G.Taylor [1] Breteler 9887 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Begonia sessilifolia Hook.f. subsp. sessilifolia Breteler 9888 c. 30 km E of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Anubias gilletii De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 9889 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Pycnobotrya nitida Benth. Breteler 9890 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum pallidum (Oliv.) Engl. Breteler 9891 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Begonia potamophila Gilg Breteler 9892 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Pavetta L. Breteler 9893 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Bolbitis acrostichoides (Afzel. ex Sw.) Ching Breteler 9894 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Justicia L. Breteler 9897 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville. In rainforest, in moist valley.
Ritchiea aprevaliana (De Wild. & T.Durand) R.Wilczek Breteler 9899 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum melanocladum Breteler Breteler 9900 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum congoense Engl. & Ruhland Breteler 9901 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Utsetela neglecta Jongkind Breteler 9902 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Dichapetalum bellum Breteler Breteler 9903 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.

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