Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Heisteria parvifolia Sm. Breteler 9904 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engl. Breteler 9905 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Drypetes capillipes (Pax) Pax & K.Hoffm. Breteler 9906 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Julbernardia pellegriniana Troupin Breteler 9907 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Strombosia scheffleri Engl. Breteler 9908 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Thecacoris leptobotrya (Müll.Arg.) Brenan Breteler 9909 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Tapinanthus ogowensis (Engl.) Danser Breteler 9910 Lastoursville, Mission Station.
Triplophyllum vogelii (Hook.) Holttum Breteler 9911 Lastoursville.
Psychotria stenostegia O.Lachenaud subsp. robustior O.Lachenaud Breteler 9912 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Oxyanthus speciosus DC. Breteler 9913 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Mussaenda arcuata Lam. ex Poir. Breteler 9914 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Tricalysia pallens Hiern Breteler 9915 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind Breteler 9916 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Marantochloa filipes (Benth.) Hutch. Breteler 9917 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Calycobolus acuminatus (Pilg.) Heine Breteler 9918 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Leptoderris reygaertii De Wild. Breteler 9919 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Hunteria macrosiphon Omino Breteler 9920 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Commelina capitata Benth. Breteler 9921 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Olax L. Breteler 9922 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Culcasia mannii (Hook.f.) Engl. Breteler 9923 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.

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