Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Gabonius ngouniensis (Pellegr.) Wieringa & Mackinder Breteler 11534 Rabi-area.
Anthonotha mouandzae Breteler Breteler 11537 Rabi-area.
Homalium stipulaceum Welw. ex Mast. Breteler 11538 Rabi-area.
Berlinia congolensis (Baker f.) Keay Breteler 11539 Rabi-area.
Connarus congolanus Schellenb. Breteler 11540 between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Vitex doniana Sweet Breteler 11541 between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Amanoa bracteosa Planch. Breteler 11542 Rabi-area
Aphanocalyx heitzii (Pellegr.) Wieringa Breteler 11543 Rabi-area, 1 km SE of Checkpoint Charlie.
Aphanocalyx heitzii (Pellegr.) Wieringa Breteler 11544 Rabi-area, 1 km SE of Checkpoint Charlie.
Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind Breteler 11545 Rabi-area, c. 1 km SE of Checkpoint Charlie.
Eugenia breteleri Jongkind Breteler 11546 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie.
Memecylon lateriflorum (G.Don) Bremek. Breteler 11548 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie. Between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Geophila lancistipula Hiern Breteler 11549 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Geophila renaris De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 11550 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie.
Stephania laetificata (Miers) Benth. Breteler 11551 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie. between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Strephonema sericeum Hook.f. Breteler 11552 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Breteler 11553 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Ardisia Sw. Breteler 11554 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Keetia gracilis (Hiern) Bridson Breteler 11555 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redh. Breteler 11556 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie, between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.

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