Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Sabicea fulva Wernham Breteler 11557 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie, between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hook.f. Breteler 11558 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Psychotria laxithyrsa O.Lachenaud Breteler 11559 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Baphia pilosa Baill. Breteler 11560 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie, between Rabi-Kounga and Yeno.
Uvaria L. Breteler 12149 Ekouk village.
Adhatoda buchholzii (Lindau) S.Moore Breteler 12152 c. 18 km S of Ekouk.
Barteria nigritana Hook.f. Breteler 12171 Gamba, near airport.
Dichapetalum Thouars Breteler 12172 Gamba, near airport.
Dichapetalum heudelotii (Planch. ex Oliv.) Baill. var. ndongense (Engl.) Breteler Breteler 12173 Gamba, near airport.
Crotalaria axillaris Aiton Breteler 12174 road Ndolé to Lopé, 14km before Ogooué crossing.
Abrus canescens Welw. ex Baker Breteler 12175 road Ndolé to Lopé, 14km before Ogooué crossing.
Dalbergia fouilloyana Pellegr. Breteler 12178 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Dichapetalum lujae De Wild. & T.Durand Breteler 12179 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Dichapetalum berendinae Breteler Breteler 12180 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Dichapetalum insigne Engl. Breteler 12181 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Plagiocladus diandrus (Pax) Jean F.Brunel Breteler 12182 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Baphia pilosa Baill. Breteler 12183 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Lavigeria macrocarpa (Oliv.) Pierre Breteler 12184 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Macaranga spinosa Müll.Arg. Breteler 12185 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Dipteropeltis poranoides Hallier f. Breteler 12186 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.

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