Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Berlinia confusa Hoyle Breteler 15425 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Prioria balsamifera (Vermoesen) Breteler Breteler 15428 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Irvingia grandifolia (Engl.) Engl. Breteler 15429 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Ficus variifolia Warb. Breteler 15430 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Trichilia gilletii De Wild. Breteler 15431 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 12.
Pachyelasma tessmannii (Harms) Harms Breteler 15432 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 12.
Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (De Wild.) J.Léonard Breteler 15433 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 12.
Zeyherella le-testui Aubrév. & Pellegr. Breteler 15434 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 13.
Antrocaryon klaineanum Pierre Breteler 15435 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 2.
Aucoumea klaineana Pierre Breteler 15436 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Tarenna lasiorhachis (K.Schum. & K.Krause) Bremek. Breteler 15437 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Olax L. Breteler 15438 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Ardisia buesgenii (Gilg & Schellenb.) Taton Breteler 15439 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Ipomoea involucrata P.Beauv. Breteler 15440 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Stachytarpheta urticifolia (Salisb.) Sims Breteler 15441 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Ficus exasperata Vahl Breteler 15442 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Pinacopodium congolense (S.Moore) Exell & Mendonça Breteler 15444 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 4.
Erythrophleum ivorense A.Chev. Breteler 15446 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 4.
Lovoa trichilioides Harms Breteler 15447 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 4.
Combretum cuspidatum Planch. ex Benth. Breteler 15448 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 4.

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