Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Magnistipula bimarsupiata Letouzey Breteler 15449 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 5.
Dichapetalum tetrastachyum Breteler Breteler 15450 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 5.
Samanea leptophylla (Harms) Brenan & Brummitt Breteler 15451 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 6.
Leptaulus zenkeri Engl. Breteler 15452 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 6.
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster Breteler 15453 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Croton mayumbensis J.Léonard Breteler 15454 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Berlinia confusa Hoyle Breteler 15455 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl. Breteler 15456 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Strombosia grandifolia Hook.f. Breteler 15457 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Ficus burretiana Mildbr. & Hutch. Breteler 15458 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Prioria oxyphylla (Harms) Breteler Breteler 15459 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Baphia acuminata De Wild. Breteler 15460 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Calpocalyx dinklagei (Taub.) Harms Breteler 15461 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 8.
Cleistanthus bambidianus Breteler Breteler 15462 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 9.
Trichoscypha patens (Oliv.) Engl. Breteler 15464 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Plot 9.
Markhamia tomentosa (Benth.) K.Schum. ex Engl. Breteler 15465 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Sterculia tragacantha Lindl. Breteler 15467 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Xylopia cupularis Mildbr. Breteler 15468 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Beilschmiedia neoletestui Fouilloy & N.Hallé Breteler 15469 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Dialium tessmannii Harms Breteler 15470 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.

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